Quality Assurance


Donegal Education and Training Board is committed to developing a culture of quality and ensuring that its students and learners participating in its schools, Youthreach centres or youth work activities across the county enjoy a quality assured learning and participation experience.

Quality Assurance in Schools

Quality assurance is carried out in schools through the Department of Education and Skill’s Inspectorate which is responsible for the evaluation of primary and post-primary schools and centres for education including Youthreach. Evaluations in schools take many forms including whole school evaluations (WSEs), subject inspections, incidental (unannounced) inspections and follow through inspections. Inspection reports are published on the Department of Education and Skills website.

Further information on quality assurance in schools is also available on www.education.ie

Quality Assurance in Youthreach

Youthreach centres are governed by two quality assurance (QA) systems – the QA system for QQI and the Youthreach Quality Framework known as the Centre Evaluation and Improvement Plan (CEIP); this was previously two separate processes know as Centre Development Planning and Internal Centre Evaluation. Like schools, Youthreach centres are also subject to inspections by the Department of Education and Skill’s Inspectorate with reports also published on their website.

Quality Assurance in Youth Services

National Quality Standards Framework for Youth Work (NQSF)

The National Quality Standards Framework for Youth Work (NQSF) is a support and development tool for the Youth Work sector offering a structured framework through which to consider and enhance youth work in Co. Donegal.  Its aim is to assess youth work, assist continuous development, and provide a mechanism through which the youth sector can “better demonstrate its effectiveness and improve practice”. 

See more at www.dcya.gov.ie