Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) is a process that maps skills and knowledge gained through work and life experiences to a relevant QQI award. It avoids duplication of learning as it does not require you to sit in a course to learn something that you can already do.

What is RPL?

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) is a process that maps skills and knowledge gained through work and life experiences to a relevant QQI award. 

The RPL process avoids duplication of learning as it does not require you to sit in a course to learn something that you can already do.  By formally recognising what you already know you can either:

  • join or access a course at the correct level or
  • apply for a formal award (a certificate) that will provide evidence of your skills and knowledge. 
RPL for access

If seeking RPL for access, you apply for the course you need, and the Course Coordinator will assess your skills, knowledge, and competencies to gauge if your current skills and knowledge is at the correct level for you to succeed on the course that you have applied for.

RPL for an award

If you wish to use the RPL process to gain an award, you will need to complete and submit an RPL application form (available here).Your application form will be assessed and, if approved, you will be supported to produce a portfolio of evidence for each module/ award that you have applied for.Your completed portfolio will be assessed, both internally and also by an external reviewer.If you are unsure about applying for an award, you can contact the RPL Provision Coordinator to discuss the process.Contact details are below.

What support is provided?

Donegal ETB’s FET Service RPL Provision will appoint an RPL Mentor to guide you through the process of preparing and structuring your portfolio of evidence.Your RPL Mentor will also ensure that your evidence is sufficient to meet the award standards.

How long will this take?

While you can work at your own pace, the average time to completing a portfolio of evidence for an award (module) is between 10 -14 hours.

How much does it cost?

The RPL process is currently free to all applicants.

Who is this service for?

RPL provision is for adults who are in the workplace, who are involved in their communities as volunteers and for those who are unemployed. To date we have supported employees from the following sectors:financial, healthcare, childcare, agriculture, construction, and community and voluntary.

How to find out more:

If you would like to avail of our RPL programme, please get in touch with our RPL Provision Coordinator Siobhán Murray on:

T: 086 065 5120 / 074 9153194
E: /