Donegal ETB News

About Donegal ETB

Donegal Education and Training Board (ETB) is the largest education and training provider in Co Donegal, providing a broad range of education and training services to around 25,000 students and learners on an annual basis.

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Useful Information


At Donegal ETB we are inspired by our people including our staff, students, adult learners and stakeholders. Our people are our best asset and the source of our strength. We educate our learners and train our people to reach their full potential in a highly motivated and caring environment.

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Publications & Resources

Our website allows us to showcase important content that requires more than just another web page. We have a concise document library where you can download and choose from a wealth of publications and resources to suit your needs.

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Our Team

Meet our Chief Executive, Directors and senior managers across our schools, outdoor, music and youth services, Further Education and Training (FET) Service and Corporate Services.

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Contact Information

  • ETB Administrative Office Staff
  • Schools and Youth Services
  • Further Education and Training
  • Music Education
  • Outdoor Education
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Corporate Services

Board Members

In accordance with the provisions of the Education and Training Boards Act, on July 1 2013, Donegal Vocational Education Committees ceased to exist and was aggregated into a new body, the Donegal Education and Training Board

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Donegal ETB must act prudently, ethically and with transparency as a public entity and must conduct its activities consistent with its statutory responsibilities.

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Estate Management

The Estates Management Section are responsible for maximising the value of Donegal ETB properties and facilities and to ensure that the appropriate infrastructure is in place when and where required in order to enhance student, learner and staff wellbeing, by managing the organisations capital infrastructure and annual capital plan

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Data Protection

Donegal ETB is subject to the provisions of the Data Protection Acts 1988 to 2018 and, accordingly, is registered with the Office of the Data Protection Commissioner.The Data Protection Acts grant privacy rights to individuals whose personal information is in the possession or control of Donegal ETB.

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Customer Service

Donegal ETB is committed to improving the level of customer service and accepts that all public services should be designed and delivered to meet the needs of the individual, business, or community.

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Freedom of Information

Donegal Education and Training Board are now included under the Freedom of Information Act 2014 as and from Tuesday 14th April, 2015

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Health & Safety

In accordance with the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act 2005, it is the policy of the Donegal Education and Training Board to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, the safety, health and welfare at work of all staff and to protect pupils, visitors, contractors and other persons on our premises from injury and ill health arising from any work activity. 

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Procurement throughout ETBs is carried out in accordance with National and European Union Public Procurement Regulations & Directives, Legislation, Policy and Guidelines. There is an onus on public bodies to ensure that the public procurement function is discharged ethically, honestly and fairly in a manner that secures best value for money.

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Educational Initiatives

Restorative Practice

Restorative Practices (RP), based on the philosophy and principles of restorative justice, provide an underpinning ethos and philosophy for making, maintaining and repairing relationships and for fostering a sense of social responsibility and shared accountability. Donegal ETB has a long history of promoting the use of Restorative Practices throughout its schools, centres and FET programmes with students, learners and staff alike.

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Instructional Leadership

As a Model of Professional Development, Instructional Leadership provides for engagement & submersion, modelling & practice and the development of collegial networks as a means of support and encouragement.

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Drug & Alcohol Awareness

Donegal ETB in partnership with the North West Regional Drug & Alcohol Task Force (NWRDATF), theAlcohol Forum, HSE West (Donegal) and University of Limerick, design, develop and deliver a range of courses in the Alcohol & Drugs field.

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