Donegal ETB Chief Executive Congratulates Leaving Cert Students on their Results

Donegal ETB, which manages 15 out of the 27 post-primary schools in Co Donegal, today congratulated students and learners who sat their Leaving Certificate examinations in June on their results.

Speaking earlier today Donegal ETB Chief Executive Anne McHugh, said, “On behalf of Donegal ETB, I would like to offer my sincere congratulations to the more than 850 Leaving Certificate students in our fifteen post-primary schools and the fifteen adult Leaving Certificate learners from our Letterkenny Further Education and Training Centre who sat their exams in June and today receive their results. I would like to thank students, parents and adults for choosing a Donegal ETB school or centre for your education. We pride ourselves on striving to provide the highest possible standards of teaching and learning to our students to enable them to achieve their potential.

“It takes a tremendous effort from all the students and learners including their parents, families and teachers who have supported them and helped them through the whole experience. I wish the best of luck to everyone applying to further their studies or going directly into employment.”

Ms McHugh reminded students and learners that in terms of progression, ‘As the largest Further Education and Training (FET) provider in the county, Donegal ETB offers a wide range of courses to meet progression needs. There are also many opportunities to earn and learn through our FET Service – students do not have to go away to other parts of the country to achieve their dreams. These include apprenticeships, Post-Leaving Certificate (PLC) courses, traineeships and a wide range of other full-time training courses available through our FET Service.’

She also pointed out that “For those students and learners who feel that they did not achieve the results they wanted, there are a number of options. First talk to the Guidance Counsellor in your school or centre – they will be able to outline your options which may include repeating some exams.

“Donegal ETB also provides learning opportunities through our Youthreach programme in our six centres across the county for young people aged 16-20 years for whom the Leaving Cert has not worked out.”

She concluded by reminding students that “There are many different ways to achieve your goals and being creative in mapping your path is an excellent learning experience in itself.”

A full suite of information on courses offered by Donegal ETB’s Further Education and Training (FET) Service, including apprenticeships, can be found on the website course finder or, check out the FET Programmes Explained section – Further information can also be found on Donegal ETB’s Facebook, Twitter and Instagram accounts (@DonegalETB).

Photo credit: Ciaran Cunningham


Donegal ETB Chief Executive Anne McHugh.