BioBlitz – Celebrating Ireland’s Wildlife

Ba iad múinteoirí agus scoláiri Choláiste Phobial Cholmcille a d’eagraigh Bioblitz Thoraí a reachtáladh 10-12 Meitheamh mar chuid de Bhioblitz na nOileán de chuid Biodiversity Ireland.

Pictiúr de chonahc eilifinteach  a ghlac Oisin Duffy.
Pictiúr de chonahc eilifinteach a ghlac Oisin Duffy.

Cúig oileán a chláraigh le páirt a ghlacadh ann ( Toraigh, Cliara, , Inis Mór, Cléire agus Béire) agus bhí siad san iomaíocht lena chéile le oiread speiseas agus ab fhéidir a aimsiú agus a ainmniú taobh istigh de thréimhse 24 uair. Tháinig saineolaithe ó cheann ceann na tíre, agus as deisceart Shasana fiú, le cuidiú leis na hoileánaigh an líon ollmhór speiseas a aithint. Ag deireadh na tréimhse bhí scór de 710 ag an fhoireann, scór ollmhór ó tharla go bhfuil an t-oileán chomh beag sin, agus bhuaigh Toraigh an chéad áit sa roinn don líon is airde speiceas de réir acra talaimh. D’éirigh thar barr leis an imeacht seo; cuirfear na sonraí chuig an choláiste chomh luath agus a bheas siad fíoraithe ag Biodiversity Ireland agus beidh siad úsáideach mar fhoinse eolais do thionscadail chomhshaoil chomh maith le ábhar spreagtha do thionscadail éiceathurasóireachta.


Coláiste Phobail Cholmcille hosted the Tory Bioblitz which took place 10th-12th June, as part of the first ever Island Bioblitz organised by Biodiversity Ireland.

Five islands, ( Toraigh, Clare, Inis Mór, Cape Clear and Bere), signed up for the Blitz which saw them compete against each other to find and identify as many different species of plant, bird, animal and sea creature as possible within a twenty- four hour period. Experts from round the country and even from the south of England travelled to help the islanders identify the numerous species. The team had a final tally of 710 species, which is huge considering the size of the island, and earned Tory first place in the Species richness category. The event was a great success; the data having been verified by Bioversity Ireland shall be forwarded to the college and will provide an excellent source of information for future environmental projects as well as a possible stimulus for ecotourism projects.